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It's so good and lot of effort. I love the different POV's and how you applied them. Please, author come back 😍πŸ₯².


Author πŸ₯²


i cant wait for all three storylines to get an chapter update i love these stories so much ^^


Thank You Dear Reader :)


ur welcome ^^

and dont forget to check ur spelling before u update those lovely stories ^^

Noted :) Haha

dont worry i'll be here to let u know about miss spelled words ^^

I noticed a coding bug


Thank you and I will fix it ASAP and thank you for playing my game :)

you're welcome! it's very fun ☺️


Thank you again :)

Even though the overall writing was good, the partial demo needs some editing for grammar errors. You also need to fix the problem where the text appears to close to the left border of the text area (from the very beginning)


Noted, Thank you for playing and giving me your feedback 😊😊😊